Do you find it tricky to open tight jars?

Don't worry, you're not alone! This is a problem experienced by millions of people everyday.

I’m Ruby and my Poppa finds this really hard too as he has a peripheral neuropathy causing muscle wastage in his hands which makes this task very difficult. He loves his jam on toast, so I really wanted to help him to easily open the jar.• 

After many designs, prototypes, product testing and manufacturing options I eventuallyl developed getagrip™ – a simple and practical way to address this frustrating problem. 

Over 40% of New Zealanders suffer with arthritis and thousands more have other muscle wasting conditions affecting their ability to getagrip™ on simple tasks like opening jars. My Granny suffers with arthritis and she uses her getagrip™ all the time - she loves it! However, anyone will find getagrip™ helpful whether they have a condition or not – I even use it myself! 

I researched many different products on the market, which are either expensive, ineffective or both. They had no dual grip allowing for twisting of both the top and bottom of the jar which is getagrip™ great point of difference.

getagrip™ won the 2018 Manawatu Science & Technology Fair Premier Award for Technology and the Best Business Potential Award. After that I entered Innovate 2018 which is a competition for new business ideas. From 91 entries I made it through to the Top 5! I have been on an amazing journey with this programme and my fantastic business mentors and am now lucky enough to have launched my first business at 12 years old......with a great team behind me, of course!!

getagrip™ has had an overwhelming response so far and it gives me so much pleasure to help other people, just like it has helped my Poppa.

Thank you, from Ruby